by edward | Dec 5, 2013 | SharePoint 2013, DPM 2012 R2
I wanted to modify my Sharepoint Protection Group on DPM to backup Sharepoint 2013 so I can do item level restore. When expanding the server and Sharepoint farm I got presented with the following error: So the first thing I did was check my VSS writers, you can do so...
by edward | Jul 25, 2013 | SharePoint 2013, DPM 2012
Microsoft released RU3 for DPM 2012 SP1. Finally I was able to upgrade the DPM Agent on SharePoint 2013 as I kept getting an error when trying to Protect SQL. The updated agent installed fine, first initial sync when perfect until it finished with the above error....
by edward | Jul 24, 2013 | SharePoint 2013
Today I came across the following error below logged almost every 2 min in event viewer. The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileImportJob threw an exception. More information is included below. Generic Error. Upon...