Today while installing a new Exchange Server to create a DAG (Database Availability Group) I ran into the following error below:
First thing that I checked was that the domainExchange Servers was part of the following Manage Auditing and Security Log.
Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Manage auditing and security log
Indeed it was, so all I did was block inheritance on the OU and then tried running the setup again and it worked without a problem. Once done I removed the block and set everything back to what it was. Alternatively you can move the machine to an OU where inheritance is blocked on the policies.
Hope it helps.
Thanks for the helpful post. Exchange 2010 errors are a part and parcel of Exchange administrators’s life. Such problems can sometimes render the entire EDB database inaccessible. Though inbuilt tool like ESEUTIL and ISINTEG help in resolving most of the errors some require a more powerful solution.
Stellar Phoenix Mailbox Exchange Server Recovery did the trick. for me once. There are such adroit tools out there that are readily available.