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Exchange 2010 SP2 and Anti-Virus

Exchange 2010 and Hyper-V 3 VHDX disks

So i decided to installed another Hyper-V server using Windows Server 2012 and i created another Exchange server to add to my DAG. I thought using .VHDX VM's is great because of all the new features. Upon connecting the newly created Exchange 2010 server to the...

Hyper-V Guest Console just wont open.

Hyper-V Guest Console just wont open.

Today trying to install an OS on a newly created VM i could not open the console for the guest. It kept giving an error "Cannot connect to virtual machine" and after a few seconds a screen pops up and asks if you want to try again. Thought it was AV so i uninstalled...

Exchange 2010 SP2 and Anti-Virus

Exchange 2003 uninstall error

Today i am removing the last of my Exchange 2003 servers and encountered this error while running the uninstall: setup failed while installing sub-component exchange activesync with error code 0x80072030 Quick check and the following services were stopped, so i...

Exchange 2010 & DPM 2010 Backups

Exchange 2010 & DPM 2010 Backups

Recently my Client contacted me saying they cannot Receive External Email. After checking the disk space i noticed that the drive had less than 15% available. Upon investigation i found that DPM was not doing backups anymore and the log files had increased over a 3...