Other Articles

Exchange 2010 SP2 and Anti-Virus
Today I installed a new Anti-Virus product on my Exchange Servers, ESET. The nice thing with ESET is that it automatically sets exclusions as it detects what is installed, so on my servers Exchange, IIS and Windows Server exclusions were set. However, Microsoft...

System Center Configuration Manager 2012 Reports
After doing SP1 beta update for SCCM 2012 i still had no reports showing. I went and checked the SSRS log and found the following error in the log file:The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT (!) SRS not detected as running...

System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Beta Upgrade
Decided to upgrade SCCM 2012 to SP1 beta. Thought it should be a relatively easy process until the installation of ADK. The deployment kit downloads over 3GB of data which takes a while on a slow connection. Once the download completed the installation started for all...

System Center Configuration Manager 2012 and Reporting Services
So today i went to install reporting services for SQL 2008 R2 and came across the following error when trying to add an additional feature in the SQL setup: "The instance ID is required but it is missing". So i tried copying the media to the server and selecting it...

Exchange 2010 and Hyper-V 3 VHDX disks
So i decided to installed another Hyper-V server using Windows Server 2012 and i created another Exchange server to add to my DAG. I thought using .VHDX VM's is great because of all the new features. Upon connecting the newly created Exchange 2010 server to the...

Hyper-V Guest Console just wont open.
Today trying to install an OS on a newly created VM i could not open the console for the guest. It kept giving an error "Cannot connect to virtual machine" and after a few seconds a screen pops up and asks if you want to try again. Thought it was AV so i uninstalled...

Exchange 2003 uninstall error
Today i am removing the last of my Exchange 2003 servers and encountered this error while running the uninstall: setup failed while installing sub-component exchange activesync with error code 0x80072030 Quick check and the following services were stopped, so i...

Exchange 2010 & DPM 2010 Backups
Recently my Client contacted me saying they cannot Receive External Email. After checking the disk space i noticed that the drive had less than 15% available. Upon investigation i found that DPM was not doing backups anymore and the log files had increased over a 3...