Exchange 2019
Exchange 2019:- Cannot delete Shared Mailbox in Hybrid scenario
If you are running Exchange 2016 and Hybrid or Exchange 2019 and Hybrid, generally managing items are done on-premise and then synced up to Office 365 with AD Connect. I had a Shared Mailbox that was synced to Office 365 and in the Office 365 Portal, I went to Shared...
Exchange 2016:- A reboot from a previous installation is pending.
I am sure many of you have come across the above error when you trying to either upgrade Exchange 2016 or Exchange 2019 and a simple reboot fixes it. However, I had a situation the other day in my lab where the above error kept coming up as seen below: The install is...
Exchange 2016:- X-OWA-Error Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.AccountDisabledException
Provisioning accounts in Active Directory and Exchange is not a new task for Admins. However when you provision something and it does not want to work is where the troubleshooting starts. You may have come across an error like the following: The error itself is a bit...
Exchange 2016:- Symantec IPS issues
Symantec on a Windows Server just like ESET works great. When you throw Exchange 2016 or Exchange 2019 into the mix, things get more complicated with both products. If you are not aware, when you are running an anti-virus product, you need to add the exclusions for...
Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence Video series
I have started with a video series show casing how you can run Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2019 in coexistence. There are 18 parts to the video series. This blog will be updated as more parts are created and uploaded. Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence - Discussion of...
Exchange 2016:- The Server is busy and can’t respond to your request.
In Exchange 2016 OWA, you may have come across a similar window where it states that "Something went wrong" and if you expand more details you can view the Front and Backend servers. Here is a screenshot: You think you have a problem with OWA (Outlook on the Web) in...
Exchange 2019:- Cumulative Update 8 is available.
Microsoft have released the next CU for Exchange 2019 and this is CU8. As with Exchange 2016 CU19, there are a number of vulnerabilities and exposures fixed in CU8. It also includes nonsecurity issues that have also been fixed. Here is the link to the full article:...
Exchange 2016:- Modify the OWA login page
As an Exchange Admin or IT Admin, you are familiar with the OWA (Outlook on the Web) login page: You can change text on this page and in this article, I want to show you where you can modify the text next to where it says "sign in". First of all, you need to head over...
Exchange 2016/2019 – Upgrade your systems to ensure your security.
Upgrading Exchange servers should be nothing new to Admins however a lot of Admins prefer not to as they say "why fix something that is not broken?". With the increase attacks on Exchange 2016 and 2019, the latest Cumulative Updates (CU) CU15 for Exchange 2016 and...
Active Directory ZeroLogon Exploit
A few months ago a zerologon exploit was released and this exploit was able to do damage to an Active Directory environment. Microsoft released a patch in the next set of updates and in a 2x part video, we show you how an unpatched system is compromised vs a patched...