In Exchange 2013 you can Add/Set Calendar Permissions for a user. Lets step through each command.
A colleague tried to run a command and it failed and in this exercise will show you what went wrong.
In Exchange 2013 open up the Management Shell. At the prompt run the following command:
- Get-MailboxFolderPermission <room name>:\Calendar
In this example this was the command run for the collabpro meeting room 1:
- Get-MailboxFolderPermission mr-collabpro-room1:\Calendar

As you can see there is a Default User and Anonymous User that have some rights and no rights. Take note that no other user has permission to this calendar.
In this next step the following command was run but it threw out an error as well:
- Set-MailboxFolderPermission mr-collabpro-room1:\Calendar -User edwardvb -AccessRights Editor

- There is no existing permission entry found for user: edwardvb.
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-MailboxFolderPermission], UserNotFoundInPermissionEntryException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=VR-EB-AUT-MB01,RequestId=57416c33-8c96-4fde-9d0b-be88f533ac72,TimeStamp=2015-07-
16 10:14:42 AM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-UserNotFoundInPermissionEntryException] C63EF815,Microsoft.Exchange.Manage
+ PSComputerName :
As you saw earlier, no user by the name edwardvb was listed with access.
To grant access run the following command:
- add-MailboxFolderPermission mr-collabpro-room1:\Calendar -User edwardvb -AccessRights Editor

The rights added. Now we can run the set command and this will change the rights of the user. The user edwardvb was granted “Editor” rights, now we will change it to “Owner” for example. Run the following command:
- Set-MailboxFolderPermission mr-collabpro-room1:\Calendar -User edwardvb -AccessRights Owner
You will notice it seems that nothing has happened, but if we run Get-MailboxFolderPermission we will see the output:

The command runs fine now. So in short, the set command will execute based on what users have access already.
Hope it helps.