I have started with a video series show casing how you can run Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2019 in coexistence. There are 18 parts to the video series. This blog will be updated as more parts are created and uploaded.

Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence – Discussion of setup for both Exchange versions – Part 1 of 18


Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence – Setup the domain controller for your Exchange 2013 lab in Azure – Part 2 of 18


Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence – Join your Exchange 2013 Server to your domain in Azure – Part 3 of 18


Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence – Install the Exchange 2013 prerequisites and Exchange on your Exchange 2013 Server in Azure – Part 4 of 18a


Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence – Install the Exchange 2013 prerequisites and Exchange on your Exchange 2013 Server in Azure – Part 4 of 18b


Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence – Install the Exchange 2013 prerequisites and Exchange on your Exchange 2013 Server in Azure – Part 4 of 18c


Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence – Install the Exchange 2013 prerequisites and Exchange on your Exchange 2013 Server in Azure – Part 4 of 18d


Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence – Install the Exchange 2013 prerequisites and Exchange on your Exchange 2013 Server in Azure – Part 4 of 18e


Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence – Configure your Exchange 2013 Virtual Directories in Azure – Part 5 of 18


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