When working in a large environment and checking a lot of Server Status, picking up a content index state in a failed state will take a bit longer to see than if you add color to it.

I created this script so that at any given time you can see whether everything is green or something is red.

The following Paramenters are defined to change color:

“Dismounted” { $params.BackgroundColor = “Red” }
“Running” { $params.BackgroundColor = “DarkGreen” }
“Healthy” { $params.BackgroundColor = “DarkGreen” }
“FailedandSuspended” { $params.BackgroundColor = “Red” }
“Failed” { $params.BackgroundColor = “Red” }
“Suspended” { $params.BackgroundColor = “Yellow” }
“DisconnectedAndHealthy” { $params.BackgroundColor = “Red” }

You can see a snippet below of what it looks like when the script is run. You can modify the color to suit your needs.

Exchange 2010/2013/2016 - check dag status with color
Exchange 2010/2013/2016 - Check DAG Status with Color 1

You can find the script over at the Technet Gallery:

Hope it helps.

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