by edward | Dec 29, 2018 | Exchange 2019
In Exchange, not only 2019, you might come across a problem where the security groups are corrupt or have been deleted, this can be by accident or maliciously. To fix this, you will need to run the setup command with the PrepareAD switch. It might sound easy but you...
by edward | Dec 28, 2018 | Exchange 2019
With the announcement of Exchange 2019, Unified Messaging was said to be removed from this version. However if you look at the properties of an Exchange 2019 Server you will see an option for unified messaging but get an error and then the page just closes: This is...
by edward | Dec 28, 2018 | Exchange 2019
Strange one in my Azure VM, booted my domain controller and then a few minutes later I booted my Exchange 2019 VM, only to find that it won’t accept connections on RDP. Received the famous NLA authentication error. That was fixed with a remote command from the...
by edward | Dec 27, 2018 | Exchange 2019, Outlook 2019
When you install Exchange, it can be any version like 2013 or 2019, when you connect outlook to the server it works without error. However the moment you add an SSL certificate and the names are different you start getting popups on your outlook clients: The name on...
by edward | Dec 26, 2018 | Exchange 2019
In Exchange 2019, like Exchange 2013 etc, you can use a wizard to configure all your External URL’s, take note this does not change the Internal URL or the Autodiscover URL, you can change the Autodiscover one as per this article. Let’s go through the...
by edward | Dec 25, 2018 | Exchange 2019
In one of my previous posts, we looked at Cipher Suites and locking down Server 2016 with Exchange 2016. In my lab, I ran the same software but this time on Server 2019 running Exchange 2019. On Server 2016 almost all the protocols were selected along with the...