Windows Insider Preview 18985

Windows Insider Preview 18985

This new version of Windows insider was released yesterday. Here is a list of updates and fixes from the Microsoft Blog: On the previous Windows Insider Build...
Windows Insider Preview 18985

Windows Insider Preview 18980.1

Yesterday the new Insider Preview was released, downloaded it this morning on my one machine: So what is new in this update? WSL Improvements. General overall performance improvements. What have I noticed on this build? On a positive note, the windows store is super...
Windows Insider Preview 18985

Windows Insider Preview 18975

Excited to see what changes are in this build and how it compares to build 18970. You do need 10GB or more free space to install the update, my machine was shy of 10GB and the update wanted to install on an external device. After the clean-up and more than 15GB, the...
Windows Insider Preview 18985

Windows Insider Preview 18970

The above Insider Preview was released today. After turning on my machine today, the previous Insider Preview which has been running great gave me a weird problem. CPU spiked to 100% and the task bar was inaccessible, meaning any icon you pressed would do nothing....