by edward | Mar 30, 2021 | Exchange 2010
In my Exchange 2010 lab, I came across a handful of messages in the submission queue. All of them were for accepted and declined meeting invites and nothing else and all of them for journaling only. Here is the error that was in the queue viewer: Last Error: 400 4.4.7...
by edward | Mar 30, 2021 | Exchange 2010
With the latest set of attacks on Exchange, many admins are scrambling to update their Exchange servers. If you coming from a CU that lower than CU13, you need to take note of the requirements before attempting the upgrade: Install .NET 4.8 on your Exchange 2016...
by edward | Mar 23, 2021 | Exchange 2016, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019
The above error is a strange one. Upgrading to CU19 for Exchange 2016 in my lab went through without issues. In outlook the error below stated that the object could not be found: When trying to message someone from the Offline Address Book, it gave up another error as...
by edward | Mar 17, 2021 | Exchange 2013, Exchange 2019
I have started with a video series show casing how you can run Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2019 in coexistence. There are 18 parts to the video series. This blog will be updated as more parts are created and uploaded. Exchange 2013/2019 Coexistence – Discussion...
by edward | Jan 20, 2021 | Office for Mac, OneDrive
While this is not your regular Exchange or PowerShell blog post, I thought I would share some thought on OneDrive for Mac not working on MacOS Big Sur. In my own troubleshooting, here are a few things I have tried to get it to work and maybe it helps you out: Install...